
Pie Register and WPML

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    camara belux

    Hi there!
    First of all thank you for this plugin, it works great!
    But I have a problem, my website is multilingual, I have 4 languages and I need the form translated in the other languages, I mean the fields and also the values I added in some Drop Down field.
    Because after that i’m showing the users in a finder with the plugin “amr users” and the fields should be translated.
    I did the translation of the plugin to Spanish so almost everything is translated and it works properly when I change the language but no the fields I’ve created.
    I’m using WPML.
    Can someone help me with this?
    Thank you in advance.

    camara belux

    Nobody knows nothing?

    Pie Register


    Never tested with WPML but if you translate using POedit it works.


    Daniela Zavallone

    Hi, I have the same problem, my website is multilingual. I try to translate with POedit but the problem is FIELDS so how can I translate all fields that I create into a registration form?
    I’m using WPML.
    Can someone help me with this?

    Pie Register


    Please note that since the field label are set after you configure the form you will need to regenerate the PO/MO file before you translate the strings into the desired language. The labels are already gone through the translation functions, all you need to do is to rescan the directory to generate a new file containing all the fields strings if it doesn’t work, I would recommend you to manually insert the Fields labels and save manually.


    Daniela Zavallone

    Hi thanks for replay but I tried, I use Poedit to change my translation but it doesn’t work.

    I added:

    msgid “Confirm E-mail”
    msgstr “Conferma E-mail”

    msgid “Mission/Organization”
    msgstr “Missione/Organizzazione”

    msgid “To”
    msgstr “Da”

    msgid “Indicate foreign state, if any”
    msgstr “Indicare Stato estero, se presente”

    msgid “Role/Office”
    msgstr “Ruolo/Ufficio”

    msgid “Office Phone Number”
    msgstr “Telefono Ufficio”

    msgid “Accept the term of use”
    msgstr “Accettare il termine di utilizzo”

    This is the page in English: http://diplomacy.inadventure.it/en/subscribe/
    that is in italian: http://diplomacy.inadventure.it/iscriviti/


    Pie Register


    We haven’t tested it but if it doesn’t work for you for some reasons, I would recommend you to use WPML String Translation Feature.


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